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Book Review: iOS 17 Programming for Beginners

People who know me know that this blog was created as a tool to gather mobility knowledge, current mobility news and where I can redirect my mentees to avoid answering duplicate questions that most of us have asked ourselves. 

Some time ago, I was contacted for the first time to ask if I was interested in doing a review of several books from a publishing house. My first instinct was to decline, but then more coldly I thought, as long as I have absolute freedom to give my point of view on how other people convey knowledge and no pressure of any kind to do it within a time frame it might help other people to more appropriately choose one study material or another.

iOS 17 Programming for Beginners

First of all this book is in English. The first thing that struck me about this book is that it was last revised in October 2023. This implies that it is updated to Xcode 15, Swift 5.9 and most importantly iOS 17. 

Cover of the book iOS 17 Programming for Beginners written by Ahmad Sahar.


Ahmad Sahar is a trainer, presenter, and consultant at Tomafuwi Productions, specializing in conducting training courses for macOS and iOS, macOS Support Essentials certification courses, and iOS Development courses. He is a member of the DevCon iOS and MyCocoaHeads online communities in Malaysia and has conducted presentations and talks for both groups.

About the book

This book is divided into 4 clear and self-descriptive sections spread over 540 pages with screenshots that make it easy to understand.

Section 1 - Swift

In this first section it devotes a whole first block of 9 chapters to briefly talk about the Swift programming language. The first chapter talks about Xcode and the other 8 cover topics such as data types, Protocols, Extensions, Error Handling, Functions and Closures, Swift Concurrency, and more. 

Section 2 - Design

In this section, which lasts 4 chapters, a first introduction to the development of interfaces with the UIKit framework through the use of Storyboards is given.

Section 3 - Code

This section has again 9 chapters in which we discover the Model View Controller architecture pattern, the use of Table and Collection Views, data passing between Controllers, localisation, maps, JSON, the use of the camera, access to the camera roll.

Section 4 - Features

This last block of 5 chapters addresses interesting topics such as SwiftData, the new data persistence framework, SwiftUI, Widgets and visionOS. The last chapter deals with publishing the application in the App Store.


The book is clearly an introductory book on mobile application development. It mainly addresses mobile application development with UIKit and Storyboards because although it mentions other frameworks such as SwiftUI, it does not go deep enough to say that it addresses them. If I had to make a downside I would say that I miss key topics such as dependency management or a brief introduction to the phases of compilation and configuration. But I understand that as an introduction it is debatable its inclusion in an introductory book like this.

You can purchase a copy of the book through Amazon at the following address.

I hope you liked it and found it enlightening. 

See you in other reviews!


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